"Bring the WHOLE tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty,"and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."
Over a year ago now, my husband and I sold the Lincoln Continental I had been given when my grandmother passed away. My grandfather had decided to live in an assisted living and had not much use for a car, or really, the ability to drive one.
For approximately two years I drove the car, partly out of respect for the love my grandfather had for the car and partly out of a lack of energy needed to sell the Lincoln and find and purchase a new one.
We found the car we wanted in January 2009. The dealership we bought the car from agreed to sell the Lincoln, so we financed our new car while waiting on the Lincoln to sell. Although it sold fairly quickly, we still owed more money on our new car than we received for the Lincoln. Despite this, my husband and I agreed that we should pay off an "old" tithe that we had owed for approximately two years. We had gotten behind when my grandfather had gotten ill, creating the need for someone to care for my grandmother who was on bi-weekly dialysis treatment. Taking care of Nana did not allow me to work as much as I had been, and being a "flexi" nurse, if I didn't work, I didn't get paid. We had owed $2000 dollars,and, having received payment for the Lincoln, we wrote out a check an mailed it in.
Exactly ELEVEN DAYS after the check was taken out of our bank and deposited in the church's account, my grandfather gifted me, and my other brothers, sisters and cousins, with a check for $7000 dollars which more than paid off the debt we had incurred during the time I was off work. PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!! AND ELEVEN DAYS--HOW AMAZING!